Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life Update

So it has been a VERY long time since I have blogged ANYTHING.... Im not very good at this thing, and I don't even know if anyone is looking at my blog. But if you are, I have updates. First off, Gabe is home from Thailand....(I'll try to post some of his pictures later) lol, he's been home for 3+ months, and I'm very very glad he is back. He enjoyed his time over seas for the most part, lots of interesting things to see and lots of people to meet, but he was pretty much done with all the "new" after about a week and a half. So those last 4 weeks were pretty tough on him. But he is back in Pullman finishing up his LAST semester of college and sooooo happy for that! After he's done he will hopefully be joining his WIFE back to Tri-cities and get a good job and start a little life of our own there. For now, I'm half in Mesa/Richland and half in Pullman! Gotta love jobs away from your husband......NOT! Colonel (our puppy) is growing sooo fast! He's not even really a puppy anymore, just a dog now.... :( Which is sad because I'm more  puppy person than a dog person. But none-the-less I love him he's like my child. Pain in the neck but also very comforting when I'm alone and husband-less.

As most of you who prob read this know, I've been getting into photography pretty seriously. I LOVE taking pictures and creating what I think looks awesome in an image. I feel kind of weird doing it, because it seems like with the new digital SLR's out, everyone and their dogs are doing photography, but I love it and I'm going to do it anyways, but maybe not as seriously as some others do. I also LOVE following photography blogs and FB pages and seeing what other people see through the lens. I hope that VERY professional photographers don't get offended by me trying to become a photographer, and I would more than love helpful critiques, if any of ya are reading this! :) THANKS! So anyways, I still have my position at Kadlec Medical Center, so I am not doing a whole lot of photo sessions, but if you are interested, and aren't pressing for time! I'd love to take an evening and get to know you through the lens. (my email is

So I leave you with some photos....

This is Colonel about 10 wks old

This is Colonel now, at 5mos

Here is my model of a niece Edie just wanting some pictures taken of her!

I love her shoes.... they are for "the beach"

That reminds me, my sister and I (as well as her two kids and our 3 dogs) are all going to the Oregon coast next week! I am UBERLY excited cause I just absolutely love being at the beach. It is soooo relaxing to me and so peaceful. We used to go to the Oregon coast almost every summer when I was younger. We have so many memories and stories from it, and so Libby and I have decided to bring back (hopefully) the yearly trip to the beach. I will have to post about it when we get back, and add some pictures of course!

Gabe and I helped out with Harvest this summer... It was actually a lot of fun but I prob wont be doing it anymore. It is definitely a lot of work and I'm not as willing to give up the better part of my summer. Here are some pictures of our fields.

The wheat up close and personal!

My baby of a combine! Love 'er

Future combine driver...................................................Awesome red moon      

A passerby on the road headed to our dry-land farm.
He didn't like us passing by... his rattles were goin!

Ok, ta-ta for now! Things to do and work to get to early in the morning! Thanks for stopping by, leave me some love if ya want to! Don't be shy, I like "friendly" stalkers! :D -Jessie Poe


  1. I'm a stalker and I'm loving these photos!! The only critique I have is just don't take pictures of snakes. period. haha ;) (snakes gross me out ;)

  2. Yay, an update! I love your pictures! I can't believe that you are working in Richland and Gabe is going to school in Pullman...ick! That really stinks and I can't imagine having to spend so much time away from each other. I hope Gabe gets done soon! :-)
